have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations"I know the feeling!"
"have you ever known hunger?"
"I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"
"The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"
I lived through two d"have you ever known hunger?"
"I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict"
"The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare"
have life, be alive"Our great leader is no more"
"My grandfather lived until the end of war"
"My grandfather lived until the end of war"
lead a certain kind of lifelive in a certain style
"we had to live frugally after the war"
pursue a positive and satisfying existence"You must accept yourself and others if you really want to live"
support oneself"he could barely exist on such a low wage"
"Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"
"Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"
"Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"
"Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"
continue to liveendure or last
"We went without water and food for 3 days"
"These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"
"The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents"
"These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"
"The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents"
make one''s home or live in"She resides officially in Iceland"
"I live in a 200-year old house"
"These people inhabited all the islands that are now deserted"
"The plains are sparsely populated"
"I live in a 200-year old house"
"These people inhabited all the islands that are now deserted"
"The plains are sparsely populated"
having life"a live canary"
"hit a live nerve"
"famous living painters"
"living tissue"
"hit a live nerve"
"famous living painters"
"living tissue"
showing characteristics of lifeexerting force or containing energy
"live coals"
"tossed a live cigarette out the window"
"got a shock from a live wire"
"live ore is unmined ore"
"a live bomb"
"a live ball is one in play"
"tossed a live cigarette out the window"
"got a shock from a live wire"
"live ore is unmined ore"
"a live bomb"
"a live ball is one in play"
charged or energized with electricity"a hot wire"
"a live wire"
"a live wire"
of current relevance"a live issue"
"still a live option"
"still a live option"
in current use or ready for use"live copy is ready to be set in type or already set but not yet proofread"
abounding with life and energy"the club members are a really live bunch"
rebounds readily"clean bouncy hair"
"a lively tennis ball"
"as resiliant as seasoned hickory"
"springy turf"
"a lively tennis ball"
"as resiliant as seasoned hickory"
"springy turf"
actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing"a live television program"
"brought to you live from Lincoln Center"
"live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience"
"brought to you live from Lincoln Center"
"live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience"
charged with an explosive"live ammunition"
"a live bomb"
"a live bomb"
not recorded"the opera was broadcast live"
(adjectiv) dead
(adjectiv) hot, lively, resilient, springy
(verb) be, domicile, dwell, endure, exist, experience, go, inhabit, know, last, people, populate, reside, shack, subsist, survive