spalat(fam.): rufe spalateinundatie
plescait (al valurilor la tarm)
ceai slab
supa slaba
bere slaba
(si hair-wash)
lotiune pentru par
(med.): spalatura
(arte pl.): nuanta
placa de metal (la dubleuri etc.)
(fig.): vorbarie goala, apa de ploaie
verb tranzitiv
a spalaa scalda
(tehn.): a placa, a dubla cu metal
verb intranzitiv
a se spalaa spala rufe
(d. ape): a se umfla
a intrebuinta o lotiune (pt. ten)
it will not wash = nu iese la spalat
she washs for a living = e spalatoreasa
to wash over = a se revarsa
to wash up = a spala vasele
it will all come out in the wash = iese la spalat
(fam.) to have a wash = a se spala
to hang out the wash to dry = a atarna rufele la uscat
hog`s wash = laturi pentru porci
to wash one`s dirty linen at home = a-si spala rufele murdare in familie
to wash away the bank = a surpa malul
steel washed with silver = otel placat cu argint
(substantiv) backwash, laundry, lavation, race, washing
(verb) dampen, lap, launder, lave, moisten, rinse