atentie, luare aminteceas (de mana sau de buzunar)
bagare de seama
veghe(re) (la un bolnav etc.)
(mil.): santinela
(mil): garda
(mar.): cart
verb intranzitiv
a veghea (langa un bolnav)a fi de garda
(si to watch over)
a avea grija
a fi atent
(si to watch for)
a sta la panda
verb tranzitiv
a pazia supraveghea
a urmari
a astepta
a urmari cu privirea
wrist watch = ceas-bratara
to wind up the watch = a intoarce ceasul
it is one o`clock by my watch = e ora unu, dupa ceasul meu
to keep watch = a (supra)veghea
to be on the watch = a sta la panda
to be on watch = a fi de cart
the detectives were watching him = detectivii il urmareau
to watch one`s time = a astepta momentul potrivit
they watched the football match = urmareau meciul de fotbal
(substantiv) lookout, picket, scout, sentinel, sentry, ticker, vigil
(verb) ascertain, catch, check, determine, follow, learn, observe, see, view